Companies looking to do business in China already find it very hard to access financial information in China. To make matters worse, Chinese authorities are still doing a poor job of making company registration information available to the rest of the world in English and knowledge of the Chinese language is required to look up China company registration details.

Companies can make use of our professional services to conduct comprehensive due diligence on the potential business partners for their commercial operations. Pineal Consulting Group has exclusive access to large range of information resulting in very deep and complete search of companies in China. Therefore, we support your business by verifying companies in all China major cities and providing reports in English.


PCG can get equity structure, percentage of shares, capital availability ratio, forms of investment, major shareholders, etc. Other financial information includes bank statements, bank loans or credits with any financial institutions or private lenders, real estate mortgage records (either the company’s or a founder’s), debt records, promissory note, letter of credit, government grants, subsidies, etc.


You will receive:
-procurement policy, quality and frequency, and payment status from its suppliers
-the sales channel, sales markets, market segments, numbers of customers; and their relationships with customers, and more


A company registration number is exclusive to your business and consists of 8 characters: 2 letters and 6 numbers. This number is used to identify companies in China and verify its legal presence as an incorporated entity.

China Company Verification Prices


$149 USD

  • Corporation China Legal Verification

  • Company Registration detail Information

  • Company Registration Address


$199 USD

  • Corporation China Legal Verification

  • Company Registration detail Information

  • Company Registration Address

  • Reputation & Legal inspection

  • Advanced Company Registration Information

  • Company Ownership Chart

  • Site Identification

Full Audit

$499 USD

  • Corporation China Verification Process

  • Company Registration full Information

  • Reputation & Legal inspection

  • Company Registration Address

  • Advanced Company Registration Information

  • Company Ownership Chart

  • Site Identification

  • Subsidiaries & Branches

  • Company Annual Return

  • Company Certifications & Licenses

  • Customs & International Trade