All kinds of products or services are subject to trademark infringement especially in China where counterfeit product are very common (China does not recognize unregistered trademark rights). Protecting a company’s trademark is a strategic move in the long term and should be carefully considered. China is a FIRST-to-FILE not FIRST-to-USE country.
What qualifies for a registered trademark in China?
Logos and symbols
After 2002, three-dimensional symbols or combinations of colors
Any word, design, letters of an alphabet, numerals, three-dimensional symbol, combinations of colors, will compliment your trademark registration process in China.
Step 1: China Trademark Search
Based on the logo, symbol, or design that you want to trademark, we deliver an availability report for similar pending or registered prior trademarks. The trademark lawyers include an assessment of feasibility and risk of collision with trademarks already registered.
Step 2: Trademark Status Update
We provide you with a status report on whether your trademark was approved to submit the application.
Step 3: Trademark Application
We submit the trademark application, which includes all attorney and government fees.
Step 4: Trademark Cancellation
If a registered trademark has not been used in 3 years, anyone can file for its cancellation. This increases your chance of successful trademark registration and mitigates risks against rivals.
4 Most Important Reasons to Register Your Trademark