A China Trading Import – Export Company, abbreviated Trading WFOE, is a commonly used investment vehicle for mainland China-based businesses. It is designed for businesses dealing with wholesale and retail. An Import Export License is necessary to establish a Trading WFOE. The registration of a China Company takes about 30 working days to be done.

The unique feature of a WFOE is that the entity is 100% owned, capitalized, and operated by foreign investors without the help of a local partner. A WFOE allows you to maintain greater control over your business operations, and revenue targets. In addition, it allows you to conduct business in China on your own without the need of a local partner. A WFOE is the favorable choice for an overseas company that wants to permanently incorporate into mainland China.


A Trading Company can be used for Expanding your sourcing platform and direct control of logistics and quality control and Purchase for reselling products overseas. Import of goods to sell directly, either in wholesale or retail in China. Bringing your Brand to China and establishing Chinese Online and offline shops.


Pineal Consulting Group offers first class solutions to all of the following requirements:


Bank Account



Import / Export License

Imported to China are mainly in 4 categories:

  • Permitted goods

  • Monitored Permitted goods

  • Restricted Goods

  • Prohibited Goods

What products require an import license?

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Permitted Goods

Monitored Permitted Goods

Restricted Goods

Prohibited Goods

Only need an automatic import license.

  • Meat products (Beef and Pork)

  • Textiles & Clothing

Maintain regular surveillance 

  • Poultry

  • Wine & Spirits

  • Vegetable oils

  • Mechanical & Electrical products

Import limitations due to quotas set by the government

  • Used Electronic or mechanical products

  • Substances that damage the ozone layer

  • Food, fiber, and animal feed products that have health risks

Cannot enter China

  • Arms, ammunition, and explosives

  • Lethal poisons

  • Counterfeit currencies

  • Animals, food or plants coming from disease-stricken areas

Pineal Consulting Group offers Trading companies coming to China a turnkey solution for a quick start. Furthermore, we provide everything you need to conduct business in China, from incorporating your company, registering your trademarks, setting up a virtual office, to fine-tuning your marketing plan. Most importantly, our HR division will help you with recruiting staff, employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training.